ST. PAUL, Minn. (Oct. 20, 2020) Chrysal Inter­na­tion­al is announc­ing a part­ner­ship with Ver­dant™ Tech­nolo­gies to bring a step change solu­tion to the flo­ral indus­try. This new prod­uct, a 1‑M­CP-based solu­tion, will be avail­able across the industry’s inter­na­tion­al mar­kets with ini­tial focus on Colom­bia, one of the largest flo­ral grow­ers in the world, and Mia­mi, one of the largest receiv­ing areas in the Unit­ed States for flo­ral products.

“Chrysal Inter­na­tion­al is com­mit­ted to offer­ing inno­v­a­tive solu­tions for the flo­ral sup­ply chain, from grow­ers to con­sumers. Through our part­ner­ship with Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies, we are expand­ing our prod­uct offer­ing to our cus­tomers and are able to explore new pos­si­bil­i­ties in the indus­try. It is excit­ing for us to be part of this new ven­ture,” said Peter Vriends, CEO of Chrysal Inter­na­tion­al, the world­wide mar­ket leader in flower food and post-har­vest flower and plant care.

For Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies, an emerg­ing leader in the biotech­nol­o­gy indus­try, a part­ner­ship with Chrysal is an excit­ing intro­duc­tion of Har­vestHold™ to the flo­ral mar­ket segment. 

“Chrysal has a long his­to­ry of pro­vid­ing pre­mi­um flower care prod­ucts with proven results for grow­ers, pack­ers, super­mar­kets, florists and con­sumers. This along with Chrysal’s mis­sion to reduce waste in the hor­ti­cul­tur­al sup­ply chain make their part­ner­ship a nat­ur­al fit,” said Gor­don Robert­son, Chief Rev­enue & Mar­ket­ing Offi­cer of Ver­dant Technologies™.

Chrysal and Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies are active­ly work­ing togeth­er to bring a patent­ed 1‑methylcyclopropene (1‑MCP) based solu­tion to mar­ket that deliv­ers supe­ri­or sta­bil­i­ty, effi­ca­cy and con­sis­ten­cy through­out the hor­ti­cul­tur­al sup­ply chain. 

“1‑MCP has proven to be the most effec­tive tool to extend the qual­i­ty of fresh cut flow­ers and pot­ted plants to date,” said Jon Fobes, Pres­i­dent of Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies. “What Chrysal and Ver­dant are devel­op­ing is a shelf-sta­ble solu­tion and supe­ri­or deliv­ery method for 1‑MCP. Our prod­uct is extreme­ly reli­able, eas­i­er to store, does not require wet­ting and can be applied where it is need­ed through­out the sup­ply chain process.”

Chrysal and Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies have focused their tech­nolo­gies around the 1‑MCP product’s flex­i­bil­i­ty, which  will allow Chrysal’s glob­al cus­tomer base of grow­ers and pack­ers to spend more time get­ting more prod­uct to mar­ket and lessen the impact of hor­ti­cul­tur­al wastage.

“Chrysal is a glob­al com­pa­ny. The flex­i­bil­i­ty of our prod­uct makes it a glob­al prod­uct with the reach and abil­i­ty to be applied any­where in the world at any step of the sup­ply chain process,” said Robert­son. “We have ideas. Chrysal is aware of the chal­lenges in the indus­try. By work­ing togeth­er, we can solve the imme­di­ate needs of their cus­tomers and devel­op future solu­tions to make the glob­al flo­ral indus­try more effi­cient, sus­tain­able, and deliv­er bet­ter qual­i­ty products.”

About Ver­dant™ Technologies

Ver­dant™ Tech­nolo­gies is an emerg­ing leader to the biotech­nol­o­gy indus­try, offer­ing Har­vestHold™ prod­uct life exten­sion tech­nol­o­gy for flo­ral and pro­duce prod­ucts. Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies and its part­ners work hand-in-hand to reduce neg­a­tive envi­ron­men­tal impacts while deliv­er­ing fresh­er, more nutri­tious pro­duce and enhanced flo­rals to more peo­ple in more places. Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies™ has cor­po­rate offices in St. Paul, Min­neso­ta. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it

About Chrysal International

Chrysal is a main dri­ving force in the flower and plant indus­try and world­wide mar­ket leader in flower food and post-har­vest flower and plant care. Whether you grow, trans­port, sell, or sim­ply enjoy the beau­ty of cut flow­ers and pot­ted plants in your own home, Chrysal has prod­ucts to keep them look­ing fresh for longer. Through more than 85 years of expe­ri­ence and inno­va­tion, a com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty and an on-going search for sus­tain­able solu­tions, we aim to meet our cus­tomers’ needs – today and tomor­row. The result? Flow­ers and plants that last longer, hap­py cus­tomers and, in the end, a more beau­ti­ful world. Chrysal. Nur­tur­ing beau­ty. For more infor­ma­tion about Chrysal Inter­na­tion­al, vis­it

Note to edi­tors, not for pub­li­ca­tion
For more infor­ma­tion or pho­tos from Chrysal Inter­na­tion­al, please con­tact:
Chrysal Inter­na­tion­al B.V.
Adin­da Blokker