Peach indus­try leader adopts Har­vestHold Fresh® shelf-life exten­sion solu­tion from Ver­dant™ Technologies

Ridge Spring, South Car­oli­na. (Feb­ru­ary 21, 2023) Titan Farms announced a new part­ner­ship with Ver­dant™ Tech­nolo­gies to bring the rev­o­lu­tion­ary post-har­vest solu­tion, Har­vestHold Fresh®, to the peach indus­try. With more than 6,000 acres, Titan Farms is the coun­try’s sec­ond-largest ver­ti­cal­ly inte­grat­ed peach oper­a­tion. Through rig­or­ous test­ing, the com­pa­ny plans to uti­lize Har­vestHold Fresh to extend the qual­i­ty, fresh­ness, and fla­vor of their peach­es from har­vest to consumption.

“We are com­mit­ted to inno­va­tion and pro­vid­ing the high­est qual­i­ty prod­ucts to our cus­tomers,” said Chalmers Carr, own­er, pres­i­dent, and CEO of Titan Farms. “I am thrilled to work with Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies to bring their Har­vestHold Fresh solu­tion to Titan Farms. This part­ner­ship will enable us to increase the shelf life and fresh­ness of our peach­es to cus­tomers while reduc­ing waste through­out the sup­ply chain.”

Titan Farms has worked close­ly with Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies over the last two years, con­duct­ing large-scale tri­als to demon­strate the ben­e­fits of Har­vestHold Fresh on peach­es. Through their col­lab­o­ra­tive research, the com­pa­ny saw sig­nif­i­cant results in less fruit pres­sure drop in stor­age and tran­sit between the con­trol and treat­ed groups, regard­less of variety. 

“Work­ing togeth­er with Titan Farms, we’re help­ing set the bar for fresh­ness and sim­plic­i­ty,” said Gor­don Robert­son, CEO of Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies. “Titan Farms is an indus­try leader and we are hon­ored to part­ner with them to help deliv­er high-qual­i­ty peach­es. This col­lab­o­ra­tion will have last­ing effects on reduc­ing shrink at retail and pro­vid­ing con­sumers with an improved peach eat­ing expe­ri­ence. We are proud to be part of this effort and look for­ward to see­ing the pos­i­tive impacts this part­ner­ship will have through­out the industry.”

Har­vestHold Fresh is a nov­el posthar­vest solu­tion with a sim­ple and flex­i­ble prod­uct that deliv­ers impact­ful results. Through its unique deliv­ery method, Har­vestHold Fresh pro­vides ben­e­fits to the entire pro­duce val­ue chain by sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduc­ing waste, increas­ing grow­er and retail effi­cien­cy, and help­ing ensure a fresh­er prod­uct for the end consumer. 

For more than 25 years, Titan Farms has been com­mit­ted to the high­est stan­dards in the indus­try. Through­out its entire oper­a­tion, from the orchards to the pack house, Titan Farms ensures its peach­es are grown, har­vest­ed, and packed in the best pos­si­ble con­di­tions. Now, with the recent imple­men­ta­tion of Har­vestHold Fresh, Titan Farms will extend the firm­ness and qual­i­ty of their peach­es, giv­ing the con­sumer a bet­ter experience. 

About Titan Farms

Found­ed in 1999 by Chalmers and Lori Anne Carr, Titan Farms is a pre­mier grow­er, pack­er and ship­per of fresh peach­es and veg­eta­bles. With core val­ues focused on pro­duc­ing the high­est qual­i­ty pro­duce in the mar­ket, you are sure to take home the fresh­est pro­duce they have avail­able. Today, Titan Farms is the largest peach grow­er on the east coast, with over 6,000 acres of peach­es, bell pep­pers, broc­coli, and egg­plant. Titan Farms is a fam­i­ly-run oper­a­tion, includ­ing long-time employ­ees who have become part of their Titan fam­i­ly. For more infor­ma­tion vis­it

About Har­vestHold Fresh®

Har­vestHold Fresh® by Ver­dant™ Tech­nolo­gies is the first of the company’s patent­ed prod­ucts avail­able in the U.S. mar­ket­place*. As fruits and veg­eta­bles are har­vest­ed, grow­ers and pack­ers sim­ply insert a recy­clable sheet of Har­vestHold Fresh into pack­ag­ing from which 1‑MCP is released using a plant’s nat­ur­al chem­istry. Find out more at

*Har­vestHold Fresh® has received U.S. state approvals in 49 states, with antic­i­pa­tion of Cal­i­for­nia reg­is­tra­tion approval forthcoming.

About Ver­dant™ Technologies

Ver­dant™ Tech­nolo­gies is an emerg­ing leader in the ag tech indus­try, offer­ing prod­uct life exten­sion tech­nol­o­gy for pro­duce and flo­ral prod­ucts. Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies and its part­ners work hand-in-hand to reduce neg­a­tive envi­ron­men­tal impacts and help bring nour­ish­ment to more peo­ple in more places. Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies has cor­po­rate offices in Den­ver, CO, and St. Paul, MN. More infor­ma­tion can be found at Fol­low Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies on LinkedIn.