ST. PAUL, Minn. (Sept. 21, 2020) Ver­dant™ Tech­nolo­gies announces its com­mer­cial launch into the biotech­nol­o­gy indus­try, bring­ing inno­v­a­tive 1‑MCP solu­tions to mar­ket designed to help the pro­duce and flo­ral indus­tries deliv­er fresh­er, longer-last­ing prod­ucts in a one-step appli­ca­tion process.

Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies, an affil­i­ate of pri­vate­ly-held Hol­i­day Com­pa­nies, oper­ates on a foun­da­tion of con­tin­u­ous inno­va­tion, uncom­pro­mis­ing qual­i­ty and a belief that their tech­nol­o­gy can sig­nif­i­cant­ly impact pro­duce and flo­ral val­ue, reduce waste and increase the reach of tra­di­tion­al sup­ply chains.

“The Ver­dant team strives to bring tech­nolo­gies to mar­ket that make a mean­ing­ful impact to our world’s health and well-being through the glob­al food sys­tem. Every­thing we do, from research to pro­duc­tion, is done with the pur­pose of deliv­er­ing nour­ish­ment to more peo­ple in more places,” said Gor­don Robert­son, Chief Rev­enue and Mar­ket­ing Offi­cer for Ver­dant Technologies.

Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies has been in oper­a­tion for over twen­ty years with a team of sci­en­tif­ic minds and expe­ri­enced lead­ers work­ing in tan­dem to devel­op a port­fo­lio of world­wide patent prod­ucts. The company’s solu­tions allow pro­duc­ers to safe­ly delay the ripen­ing process and extend the shelf life of fruits, veg­eta­bles and flow­ers while reduc­ing green­house gas emissions.

“We have devel­oped tech­nolo­gies pro­tect­ed by patents and trade secrets focused on the exten­sion of pro­duce and flo­ral life and reduc­tion of waste. Our solu­tions serve the agri­cul­tur­al and flo­ral com­mu­ni­ties with unmatched stor­a­bil­i­ty, porta­bil­i­ty and ease of oper­a­tional inte­gra­tion. We believe now is the time to intro­duce Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies and our solu­tions to the world,” said Jon Fobes, Pres­i­dent of Ver­dant Technologies.

Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies’ prod­ucts con­tain the active ingre­di­ent 1‑methylcyclopropene (1‑MCP), which is applied to sheets, stick­ers and labels for use in a vari­ety of pack­ag­ing mate­ri­als in a sim­ple one-step appli­ca­tion. Test­ing shows the use of Ver­dant tech­nol­o­gy to increase shelf life of pro­duce by an aver­age of 50%. 

Har­vestHold™ by Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies, the sheet form of Verdant’s 1‑MCP solu­tions, will be first of the company’s patent­ed prod­ucts avail­able in the glob­al mar­ket­place. As flo­ral and pro­duce prod­ucts are har­vest­ed, grow­ers and pack­ers will begin the appli­ca­tion process by insert­ing a sheet of Har­vestHold into the pack­ag­ing from which 1‑MCP is released. Grow­ers, pack­ers and retail­ers can expect to see the first Har­vestHold prod­ucts avail­able in Q1 2021. 

“Ver­dant devel­ops advanced tech­nol­o­gy solu­tions reflec­tive of the company’s pas­sions for improved nutri­tion, reduc­ing food and flo­ral waste and impact­ing the glob­al food sys­tem through con­tin­u­ous inno­va­tion. Har­vestHold is one of our answers to improv­ing neg­a­tive envi­ron­men­tal issues and prof­it mar­gins through­out the sup­ply chain process,” said Fobes.

In addi­tion to its com­mit­ment to bring­ing inno­v­a­tive life-exten­sion tech­nolo­gies to mar­ket, Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies is dri­ven by its part­ner­ships with cus­tomers, work­ing togeth­er to enhance prof­itabil­i­ty while max­i­miz­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and solv­ing per­isha­bil­i­ty issues in the sup­ply chain.

“Every­one in the indus­try wants to accom­plish the same thing – pro­vide nour­ish­ment to the glob­al com­mu­ni­ty. At Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies, we work towards the same goal with inno­v­a­tive prod­ucts unmatched in ease of appli­ca­tion and reli­a­bil­i­ty. Our cus­tomers and investors can expect to be equal part­ners in our mis­sion to bring nour­ish­ment to more peo­ple in more places. Every­one in the sup­ply chain is essen­tial to our mis­sion. Through our com­mit­ment to col­lab­o­ra­tion and pur­pose-dri­ven work, we will be suc­cess­ful and con­tin­ue to find new solu­tions to offer the indus­try,” said Robertson.

About Ver­dant™ Technologies

Ver­dant™ Tech­nolo­gies is an emerg­ing leader to the biotech­nol­o­gy indus­try, offer­ing Har­vestHold™ prod­uct life exten­sion tech­nol­o­gy for flo­ral and pro­duce prod­ucts. Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies and its part­ners work hand-in-hand to reduce neg­a­tive envi­ron­men­tal impacts while deliv­er­ing fresh­er, more nutri­tious pro­duce and enhanced flo­rals to more peo­ple in more places. Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies has cor­po­rate offices in St. Paul, Minn. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it