The emerg­ing leader in ag tech inno­va­tion receives dis­tin­guished recog­ni­tion by the largest inter­na­tion­al asso­ci­a­tion serv­ing the fresh pro­duce and flo­ral industries.

Den­ver, Col­orado. (Novem­ber 3, 2022) Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies was award­ed the Inter­na­tion­al Fresh Pro­duce & Flo­ral Asso­ci­a­tion (IFPA) Sci­ence & Tech­nol­o­gy Cir­cle of Excel­lence Award at this year’s Glob­al Pro­duce & Flo­ral Show in Orlan­do, Flori­da. Each year, the IFPA selects one indi­vid­ual or orga­ni­za­tion that solves busi­ness chal­lenges with­in the pro­duce and flo­ral indus­tries through the appli­ca­tion of sci­en­tif­ic and tech­no­log­i­cal advance­ments to cre­ate bet­ter prod­ucts, process­es, or val­ue to customers.

Over the last year, Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies has intro­duced its Har­vestHold Fresh® posthar­vest inno­va­tion that extends the shelf life of fruits and veg­eta­bles. The nov­el solu­tion pro­vides grow­ers with a sim­ple and flex­i­ble prod­uct that deliv­ers impact­ful results. Through its break­through deliv­ery method of indus­try-stan­dard 1‑methylcyclopropene (1‑MCP), Har­vestHold Fresh sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduces waste, deliv­ers return on invest­ment, and offers robust sus­tain­abil­i­ty ben­e­fits in the per­ish­able pro­duce sup­ply chain.

Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies is work­ing with pro­duce grow­ers in the U.S. and Mex­i­co and has a part­ner­ship with Chrysal Inter­na­tion­al to dis­trib­ute its tech­nol­o­gy in the flo­ral indus­try to help keep flow­ers fresh­er for longer.

“We are tremen­dous­ly hon­ored for Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies and our Har­vestHold solu­tion to receive the IFPA Sci­ence & Tech­nol­o­gy Cir­cle of Excel­lence Award,” says Gor­don Robert­son, CEO of Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies. “Our goal is to bring nour­ish­ment to the world through inno­v­a­tive solu­tions that make a pos­i­tive impact for our cus­tomers, the sup­ply chain, and soci­ety. This award fur­ther val­i­dates the hard work of our team and the part­ner­ships with our cus­tomers in the pro­duce and flo­ral indus­tries that have helped bring our solu­tion to market.”

About Ver­dant™ Tech­nolo­gies

Ver­dant™ Tech­nolo­gies is an emerg­ing leader in the ag tech indus­try, offer­ing Har­vestHold® prod­uct life exten­sion tech­nol­o­gy for flo­ral and pro­duce prod­ucts. Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies and its part­ners work hand-in-hand to reduce neg­a­tive envi­ron­men­tal impacts and help bring nour­ish­ment to more peo­ple in more places. Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies has cor­po­rate offices in Den­ver, CO, and St. Paul, MN. More infor­ma­tion can be found at Fol­low Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies on LinkedIn.

About Har­vestHold Fresh®

Har­vestHold Fresh® by Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies is the first of the company’s patent­ed prod­ucts avail­able in the U.S. mar­ket­place*. As fruits and veg­eta­bles are har­vest­ed, grow­ers and pack­ers sim­ply insert a recy­clable sheet of Har­vestHold Fresh into pack­ag­ing from which 1‑MCP is released using a plant’s nat­ur­al chem­istry. Find out more at
*Har­vestHold Fresh has received U.S. state approvals in 49 states, with antic­i­pa­tion of Cal­i­for­nia reg­is­tra­tion approval forthcoming.

About Gulftech Inter­na­tion­al

Ver­dant Tech­nolo­gies is a sub­sidiary of Gulftech Inter­na­tion­al. Gulftech is a diver­si­fied hold­ing com­pa­ny with a core com­pe­tence in devel­op­ing and oper­at­ing glob­al man­u­fac­tur­ers of indus­tri­al equip­ment and com­po­nents. Gulftech is an own­er, oper­a­tor, and stew­ard to a fam­i­ly of com­pa­nies serv­ing the world’s most impor­tant food pro­duc­tion and pro­cess­ing com­pa­nies. Gulftech’s mis­sion is to acquire and nur­ture com­pa­nies, invest­ing in sus­tain­able growth and long-term suc­cess. Gulftech’s focus is on mid­dle mar­ket, long-term acqui­si­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties in man­u­fac­tur­ing, pack­ag­ing, dis­tri­b­u­tion and indus­tri­al after­mar­ket parts and ser­vice. Gulftech has cor­po­rate offices in Den­ver, CO. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it